
Tareno AG

Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund awarded with FNG label for the third time

The Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund has successfully weathered the turbulence in the financial markets this year and achieved a performance of +5.8% YTD. For the third time in a row, it was certified with the FNG label and received two out of three stars.
The fund volume has now increased to over EUR 140 million. The next step will be the launch of a new impact share class in January 2021, in which part of the management fee will flow into charitable water-related projects.

Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund - An investment for the future
The boutique fund is a pioneer in the investment theme of water. Since 2007, it has focused on improving water supply and quality. The thematic fund has a unique investment universe and a consistent and innovative investment process that places high demands on companies in terms of quality and sustainability. It thus meets the internationally recognized quality criteria of Eurosif.
Due to inevitable global megatrends - such as population growth, climate change, urbanization and technological change - there is a huge potential demand for water companies. The above-average predictability of future returns means long-term, attractive investment opportunities for investors that are likely to last for decades.
Sustainable Investment Forum - FNG
With the FNG label, the Sustainable Investment Forum aims to ensure the development and ongoing improvement of quality standards for sustainable investment products. The label is awarded by QNG (“Gesellschaft für Qualitätssicherung Nachhaltiger Geldanlagen GmbH”) in cooperation with the University of Hamburg and has now established itself as the quality standard for sustainable funds in the German-speaking world. Thanks to the holistic approach, even individually different sustainability approaches can be examined and compared. Two years ago, the Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund was the first water fund to be awarded the prestigious FNG label.
