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Get a disproportionate advantage in High Yield if you can cope with monthly liquidity

Ridge Capital AB

Our RAIF, invested in Nordic High Yield credit corporate listed bonds, gained over 20% net returns since its inception in January 2023, with a volatility below 4%, and a Sharpe ratio above 3. 

It offers access to the holy grail of financial products: high returns, low volatility, and minimal correlation with other asset classes. 

Our niche asset class is full of unexpected qualities, well summarized by a journalist in an interview with our portfolio managers. 
Our fund differs significantly in behaviour and in return potential compared to Euro and US yield, because it has for example, quasi zero correlation with equities, quasi no credit duration, >+2% structural yield pick up vs Euro or US HY.
Our fund is a little jewel meant to be hard closed when it reaches its max capacity. This should happen around 250-300m€ aum (500m€ with our 1.5x structural leverage).
Given the pace of our fund raising so far, there is a fair chance that it happens before the fund’s three years anniversary (January 2026).
Why Nordic High Yield?

  • It differs significantly in behavior and in return potential compared to Euro and US HY yield.
  • It has for example, quasi zero correlation with equities, quasi no credit duration, and >+2% structural yield pick-up vs Euro or US HY.

Why Ridge Capital?

  • Outstanding Performance: Our strategy has been one of the top performers in the Nordic High Yield bond market since inception, achieving +12.8% net in 2023 and +10.2% net YTD in 2024.
  • Impressive Risk Metrics: Sharpe ratio of 3.2 and annualized volatility of 3.7% since inception (in line with the strategy’s structural targets)
  • Experienced Management: Christoffer Malmström, our lead portfolio manager, has built the best top track record in this asset class since 2018.
  • Generous Risk Premium: Our strategy harvests the generous risk premium in this niche market (we invest between 500-800 basis points above risk free rate, with some outliers)
  • Unique Investment Style: The co-founders decided to address the inefficient and illiquid Nordic High Yield bond market with an innovative strategy in the asset class

Strategy highlights:

  • High Coupons & Additional Risk Premia for Illiquidity: Leveraged yield to maturity as of end-June 2024 is 17.2%
  • Monthly Liquid Luxembourg RAIF: In a market dominated by UCITS with daily liquidity, which distort prices with their too large in/outflows (from mainly retail investors) for the asset class
  • Activity in the Secondary Market: An additional source of alpha, neglected by peers who manage with a “Buy-and-hold” style
  • Structural 1.5x Leverage: Our lead manager has found this to be the right level during market crises. This counterintuitively allows us to lower credit risk by investing in better-rated high yield bonds, compensate for the lower yield, and reach our return target (base rate + >7% net)
  • Portfolio Hedging Against Spread Widening & Currency Risks
  • Negligible Interest Rate Risk: Due to the naturally low duration of the Nordic High Yield market, consisting of over 75% floating rate notes

Voices from the company


We give Nordic High Yield investors, a disproportionate advantage.

The following product categories are offered

  • Alternative Credit
  • Bond Unconstrained
  • Hedge Fund (Single Manager)
  • High Yield
  • High Yield ultra short-term


Download Investor Presentation - March 2024

Investor Presentation - March 2024

Download Ridge Capital - Portfolio update - June 2024

Ridge Capital - Portfolio update - June 2024

Download Ridge Capital - Portfolio update - May 2024

Ridge Capital - Portfolio update - May 2024

Download Ridge Capital - Portfolio Update - April 2024

Ridge Capital - Portfolio Update - April 2024

Our Nordic High Yield Luxembourg RAIF recorded another strong month in April, with a net return of 1.7%. This performance elevates our total net return to +20.9% since our January 2023 inception. Since inception our Sharpe ratio is 3.2 and our volatility is 3.7% (in line with our structural volatility target of <5%) This performance highlights our ability to offer one of the most attractive risk-adjusted returns in the Nordic High Yield sector. We onboarded in April, one of the top 10 most prestigious investor in Norway, who became our 5th anchor investor. We are approaching the EUR 100m thresold, which represents a milestone for larger investors, only authorized to invest in funds that reached this level. The fund’s 250-300m€ maximum capacity is in sight. Our portfolio’s YTM (Yield-To-Maturity) is 13.3% (17.4% with our structural 1.5x leverage). Our Portfolio’s annual cash yield is 11.1% (14% including leverage). In the attached monthly report, you will find detailed insights about our portfolio. The Ridge Capital Team (via David-Anthony) wishes you a great May. PS: latest article about Ridge Capital https://hedgenordic.com/2024/05/unlocking-contractual-equity-like-returns-ridge-capitals-high-yield-strategy/

Download Portfolio Update - March 2024

Portfolio Update - March 2024

Company age

Founded 2022
- 2 -


  • #2 Rookie of the year award from HedgeHedgeNordic

Assets under management

More than
Mio. CHF

Direct contact

Ridge Capital AB

Storgatan 23A

114 55 Stockholm