
Z22 Technologies

Neuemission Z22 Smart Mirror CHF

Auf Grund der starken Nachfrage nach einer in CHF besicherten Version von unserer krisenerprobten Strategie Z22 Smart Mirror USD (YTD: +35.10%Link KeyInvest, Link Homepage), haben wir uns zum 1-Jährigen Jubiläum unseres Z22 Smart Mirror USD AMCs entschieden, per 30. Oktober 2020 eine CHF-Währungstranche (hedged) zu lancieren. Die Strategie ist 1:1 identisch wie bei Z22 Smart Mirror USD. Der Unterschied ist lediglich, dass wir das Währungsrisiko zum USD zu 100% mit Forwards absichern werden.


Nochmals kurz zur Strategie: Z22 Smart Mirror ist ein intelligentes US-Aktien Exposure mit einem systematischen und emotionslosen Absicherungsbaustein für unsichere Zeiten. Das Aktienportfolio wird durch einen intelligenten Machine-Learning Algorithmus verwaltet und bietet dem Kunden zu jederzeit 100% Exposure zu grosskapitalisierten US-Aktien. Der Z22 VolaBoost Absicherungsalgorithmus überwacht dabei permanent den Volatilitätsmarkt und kauft bei steigender Unsicherheit im Markt Volatilitäts-ETFs als Hedge ins Portfolio, mit dem Ziel, die Drawdowns auf den Aktien zu kompensieren. Kurz gesagt, das AMC ermöglicht die volle Partizipation an den Aufwärtsbewegungen des Aktienmarktes, bietet aber gleichzeitig auch zusätzliche Gewinnchancen bei Marktkorrekturen. YTD steht das Z22 Smart Mirror AMC bei +35.10% (netto sämtlicher Gebühren, Stand 23. Oktober 2020)
Im Anhang befindet sich das indikative Termsheet der UBS sowie die Factsheets auf Deutsch und Englisch.
Bei Fragen stehen wir jederzeit sehr gerne zur Verfügung
Factsheet Z22 Smart Mirror CHF DEU
Factsheet Z22 Smart Mirror CHF ENG
UBS Termsheet Z22 Smart Mirror CHF
Philipp A. Baumann
Z22 Technologies AG

+41 79 934 73 49
This investment overview is strictly confidential to the recipient and has been prepared by Z22 Technologies AG (the "Company") solely for information purposes. This investment overview does not constitute a sale or offer to subscribe or purchase any securities, parts of the Company or any other assets. All information and data contained in this investment overview may be used only for the purpose of evaluating the business model of the Company and may not be reproduced or published in full or in part. The content may not be disclosed to third parties unless to external consultants that are advising in connection with a possible valuation of the company. If the recipients are no longer interested in acquiring the Company, they have to return the investment overview to the Company. This investment overview does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a and/or 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations or a listing prospectus within the meaning of the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange. This investment overview serves as an evaluation tool for the Company's business model only. It is not intended as the sole basis for a purchase decision. Interested parties are advised to carry out their own investigations before a final decision through a due diligence and consult their own consultants. The investment overview was prepared on the basis of the Company's information and other external data. The investment overview reflects the current information at the time of its preparation. Where indicated, the information is derived from third-party sources. Not all information is independently verifiable and therefore partially could not be verified. The Company assumes no liability or responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the information and data contained in this investment overview. The Company reserves the right to make improvements and additions, but the Company is under no obligation to update this investment overview in the future. This investment overview includes forward-looking statements, beliefs or opinions, including statements with respect to plans, objectives, goals, strategies, estimated market sizes and opportunities as well as strength of competitors which are based on current beliefs, expectations and projections about future events. The forward looking statements in this investment overview are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including, without limitation, management’s examination of data available from third parties. Although the Company believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control, and the Company may not achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections. Neither the Company nor any of its members, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers intend or have any duty or obligation to supplement, amend, update or revise any of the forward-looking statements contained in this investment overview.
