
Swiss Fund & Finance Platform

New additions to the management team

Dear subscribers, customers and partners
we are very pleased to announce some great news today: Lilian Klose is back at Swiss Fund Platform! It is a great pleasure for us to welcome Lilian back to our team. For those who remember the early days of Swiss Fund Platform, Lilian will be a familiar face. Lilian already supported us energetically in the founding phase and made a significant contribution with her professional expertise back then. 
Lilian Klose
+41 44 218 50 80
With her many years of experience in the fund sector, Lilian brings extensive know-how and a valuable perspective to our company. Her profound knowledge of the market and her excellent skills in the fund industry make her the ideal candidate. She is responsible for "Business Development" as a member of the Executive Board of Swiss Fund Platform AG, and will actively assume this role as of August 1.
In her role, Lilian will continue the path of Swiss Fund Platform and drive the expansion of our offering together with the team. Together, we will pursue our goal of providing an even better and more comprehensive service experience for our clients and partners.
We thank you for your trust in Swiss Fund Platform and look forward to a successful future with Lilian at our side..
